Regular Adults Class
Mondays at 19:30-20:45 & Wednesdays at 19:00-20:15
In our regular training, our classes are suited to those who have at least 6 months worth of training in Krav Maga – Or have reached their Defender/Practitioner 1 Level. Although we look at higher level techniques and the classes are faster moving, we still emphasise the importance of simple solutions as well as always returning to good footwork and effective striking. These classes will challenge your ability to react under controlled pressure in scenarios such as dealing with multiple attackers, defending against weapons or ground fighting.
Benefits of training in our Regular Class:
- Working with higher level students will improve your skill set
- Higher paced drills including multiple attackers
- A supportive community: We have a lot of regulars who have trained with us for years – you will connect with likeminded people, build positive relationships whilst sharing common goals.
- Level up in Krav Maga: In our system we run regular gradings every 6 months to check our progress. In these classes you can learn higher level techniques as well as the ones that are required for your next level.
Our comprehensive adult self-defence classes, designed to empower and protect all individuals of all ages and fitness levels. Our experienced and knowledgeable instructors create a supportive and inclusive environment, where everyone is welcome. With a focus on teaching simple yet highly effective techniques, you will gain skills and confidence you need to defend yourself or others.
Book a trial class: